Python Cipher

Ciphers with Python

What is a Cipher?

A secret or disguised way of writing


The goal of this project is to create a program that can encode a message. It should also be able to take an encoded message and convert it back to plain English.

Pseudo-code for Cipher

1. Get a message from the user that will be encoded.

2. Set a key value which will be used to shift the letters.

3. For each letter in the message

Convert the letter to ASCII

Add the key value

Convert back to letter

Print letter

Programming a Cipher

key = 13
message = input("What is your message?")

for i in message:
    ascii_value = ord(i)
    ascii_value = ascii_value + key
    new_letter = chr(ascii_value)
    print(new_letter, end = "")

Pseudo-code for Decoder

1. Get a message from the user that will be encoded.

2. Set a key value which will be used to shift the letters.

3. For each letter in the message

Convert the letter to ASCII

Subtract the key value

Convert back to letter

Print letter

Programming a Decoder

decode = ""

for j in range(1,27):
    for i in decode:
        ascii_value = ord(i)
        ascii_value = ascii_value - j
        new_letter = chr(ascii_value)
        print(new_letter, end = "")

Some bugs to fix

Final Product

from random import randint
key = randint(1,27)
message = input("What is your message?")

for i in message:
    ascii_value = ord(i)
    if (ascii_value >= 65 and ascii_value <= 90) or (ascii_value >= 97 and ascii_value <= 122): 
        if ascii_value + key > 90 and ascii_value <= 90:
            ascii_value = (ascii_value + key - 90) + 64
        elif ascii_value + key > 122:
            ascii_value = (ascii_value + key - 122) + 96
            ascii_value = ascii_value + key
        new_letter = chr(ascii_value)
        print(new_letter, end = "")
        print(i , end = "")

def decode(message):
    for j in range(1, 27):
        key = j
        for i in message:
            ascii_value = ord(i)
            if (ascii_value >= 65 and ascii_value <= 90) or (ascii_value >= 97 and ascii_value <= 122): 
                if ascii_value - key < 65:
                    ascii_value = 91 - (65 - (ascii_value - key))
                elif ascii_value - key < 97 and ascii_value >= 97:
                    ascii_value = 123 - (97 - (ascii_value - key))
                    ascii_value = ascii_value - key
                new_letter = chr(ascii_value)
                print(new_letter, end = "")
                print(i , end = "")